Being in a relationship is both wonderful and challenging. When conflict inevitably arises, we, at times, struggle to know what to do.
Counseling can help if you are hoping to address some long standing relationship issues. You may even fear a break up or divorce if nothing changes soon. Patterns that have developed in your relationship in the past may be harmful to your future together.
Couples/relationship therapy can also be useful not just as a "last ditch effort", but also as a way to build a strong foundation together for the future. You may be seeking pre-marital counseling, considering moving in together, or have some uncertainty about your relationship. Perhaps you want to avoid repeating the relationship patterns of your parents. This is a common goal, as many have witnessed their parents' divorce and want to avoid going through this themselves.
Conflicts are normal, but it can be a sign that parts of your relationship aren't working. That's where couples therapy can help.